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Pierre-André CHABANNE Trades High School

Back to school 2024: Two new courses…

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Word from the Headmaster,

I am delighted to welcome you, on behalf of all the staff of the establishment at Lycée Pierre André Chabanne.

Entering high school, whatever it is, is a stage in the life of a young person. It's a step taken towards another training, towards learning a trade, towards more autonomy, towards more responsibilities: It's growing!

A word to the students :
All the skills, the knowledge that you will acquire, all the know-how, the know-how that your teachers and the adults of the school will give you, everything that you will learn, understand are precious riches that no one can ever take back from you. . Know how to make them yours, never give in to discouragement, even on difficult days, to the urge to stop, trust us and we will accompany you towards your success.

A word to parents:
I ask you to always be in solidarity with the teachers, not that they are always right: who could boast of that? but so that your child's construction is solid, so that he can believe in the word of the adult, so that he grows up, flourishes in confidence.

It is in this spirit that I wish you a warm welcome and happy high school years.

Ch Vallat

The latest news from our Pierre-André Chabanne high school

A year at the Lycée – WEB RADIO PROJECT… come and listen to us…

The boarding school

A boarding school with a capacity of 213 girls and 62 boys, The rooms, for 3 or 4 students, are distributed…


The Documentation and Information Center offers everyone access to culture and reading, provides information…


Since 2016, the Maison des Lycéens du Lycée Pierre-André Chabanne has been promoting high school initiatives in the service of the collective interest…


the Sports Association (affiliated to the UNSS: Union Nationale du Sport Scolaire), it's a license at 15 euros...

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